The Dream: Dan Monson - The Coach Who Was Fired The Week He Made The NCAA Tournament - Is Now Comparing His Life To George Costanza

Hell yeah, this is a spot-on situation from Dan Monson. Plus, George is a great character, elite even. We know the story with Dan Monson. He was fired (agreed to part ways) with Long Beach State before the Big West Tournament started. He then went on a run with them as the 4 seed and won the whole damn thing. Now he's coaching in the NCAA Tournament as a fired coach. Shit, even in his press conference last weekend he talked about how he still wants to coach again. He's not talking retirement. 

So he should go full Costanza. Start saying whatever you want. It doesn't matter! 

How can you not love this guy? Need him to start eating snacks out of the trash or doing the opposite of what he typically would do. Hell, go get yourself a toupee while we're at it. Fully embrace the Costanza lifestyle. You quite literally have nothing to lose this week. Monson has made a ton of money coaching - remember, he was the guy at Gonzaga during the first run before getting the Minnesota job. He'll be just okay from a money standpoint if he never works again. That's the dream! We all clock in, clock out, do our jobs to make money so that one day we don't have to make anymore money and can just live. It's the American way. He has that! 

He's already making fun of Arizona, the team he plays

Boom, roasted. That's also where he should have walked out of the press conference like Costanza with his jokes in meetings. Once you hit one you leave. 

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